Hi Friends!
I know, I am the world's worst blogger! I am so behind in posting that the thought of everything I have to tell you just overwhelms me, so I keep procrastinating. Well, I decided if I break it down, maybe the task wouldn't be quite so daunting. Let's start with Amazing Grace. I released this design in May, so I hope you have seen it before now. The inspiration for this design came from a Bible study that I participated in during Lent. It was an enlightening study of a few of the Parables. We all need a little reminder that it is indeed, "all about Grace." The pamphlet includes charts for the main design and two companion pieces. The main chart is cross stitched over two threads, except for the verse, which is cross stitched over one linen thread. It also features Algerian Eye Stitch, which is a fun little stitch.
I applied my finished pieces to a repurposed wooden box to create a sewing box.
Here is a close-up of the pin cushion. I filled it with polyfill and lead fishing sinkers for weight.
Companion B was applied to the top of an Altoid tin and now holds small sewing implements. All three pieces were stitched on 28 count Cashel linen from Zweigart in Raw Linen with DMC floss. Hope you enjoy this design!
Happy Stitching!!