some of my favorite stitching tools
Hello fellow stitchers!
Today's posting is a bit different. I would love to know how you stitch. We know how to create the actual stitches, but what tools do you use? Do you sit at a table or your easy chair? What stitching hints can you offer for your fellow stitchers. When I am stitching with others, I always like to see how they stitch and I have definitely learned a thing or two. Let me share how I stitch.
My favorite stitching frame is a Q-snap frame. I use the 6 x 6 one. I have tried using the 11 x 11 one for larger projects, but I find it awkward to hold, so I usually just go back to the small one. I have always wrapped my project around the tubes from the top, so that what I am stitching is on top. But, every time I go to end my thread, I have to twist the holders, so that I can get to the stitches to run the thread under them. So, on the last piece I stitched, I wrapped the fabric from the bottom, so I had to stitch down into the frame, but I avoided having to twist the holders and adjust my tension all the time.
I love my little Mighty Bright clip on light. It clips right onto the Q-snap frame. I also have another one that has the magnifier attached. Since I have discovered magnifier glasses, I don't use the one with the magnifier as much. It is heavier and you have to constantly be moving the magnifier around. The glasses work much better for me.
The floss for the project I am working on goes into a small dish, so that I can keep it contained. I put my embroidery scissors in the dish as well. I do wrap my floss onto bobbins and store them numerically.
It depends on what time of the day it is as to where I sit to stitch. During the day, I will sit at my work table in my studio, but in the evenings, I prefer the family room with my comfy recliner. My only problem then is where to put my magnetic chart holder. I lean it up against the cat when he is on my lap, but he sometimes gets annoyed with that. ;)
I hope maybe you learned something from me through this little description and I hope to learn from what you have to say, so please leave comments.
Happy Stitching!!!